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La Fondazione per la Cultura Rurale – ETS può ricevere la destinazione del 5 X 1000 dell’Irpef derivante dalla scelta che ogni contribuente può esercitare quando paga le tasse.
T. +39 0445361052
The operational tool:
How to contribute for achieving the statutory purposes
Objectives and goals - Fondazione per la Cultura rurale – ETS (Rural Culture Foundation)
5x1000- allocation:
Women and men have great ideas, but even the best ones, developed by capable and passionate people, do not achieve anything without organisation, strategic vision and economic resources. For this reason, the Project uses an important operational tool: Fondazione per la Cultura rurale – ETS (Rural Culture Foundation).
The Foundation is a body of the Third Sector, a status which allows to receive the 5x1000 allocation (Irpef) resulting from the choice which every taxpayer can make when he/she pays tax. Through this opportunity provided by a national provision, every citizen, at the time he/she pays tax, can decide, without any additional cost, to allocate there a part of the tax, which, in any case, he/she has to pay the Foundation (Fondazione per la Cultura Rurale –ETS). In this way the citizen can contribute by financing the projects in defence of the bearers of the rural culture.
The animal-rights activists and environmentalists receive every year several million euros by using this opportunity, which is free for the citizens. Economic resources, which are used by the animal-rights activists and environmentalists for trying to influence the public opinion by giving a distorted view of our activities.
It is the time to collaborate together with the bearers of the rural culture and use properly the tools useful for finding the economic resources which are necessary for repelling the attacks against our activities. It should be noted, that the decision regarding the allocation of 5x1000 does not entail any extra costs for the taxpayer, but a part of what the taxpayer has, in any case, to pay the State, goes to Fondazione per la Cultura Rurale – ETS (Rural Culture Foundation).